5 random thoughts on blogging

Since it’s a rather depressing Monday, I thought I’d cheer you up with some random thoughts on blogging that popped into my mind while scrolling through a list of blogs on Bloglovin’ on my way home from work. Enjoy!

* All white interiors. Because you don’t need a place to actually live in. Are you even allowed to touch anything? I do need that marble tray though.

* Full-time bloggers posting how busy they’ve been and didn’t have the time to write a new blog post. Busy with store openings, press days and taking Instagram pictures of their lunch. You should have written me a blog post so I could at least forget about this guy leaning against me on the train for just one minute.

* Fitness blogs. I hate them. Because I’m too lazy to go to the gym. I don’t have to be reminded of that.

* Food blogs. I hate them. Because I’m too lazy to go to the gym. I don’t have to be reminded of that.

* Ending on a positive note though. It’s really impressive how much time people invest in their blogs, even turning them into a small business. I can’t even manage to post once a week, let alone every day. Especially now, when it’s dark before I get home and it’s extremely busy at work. I should probably start working on my planning skills.

So how was your Monday?

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