Bucket bag frenzy

So Thursday evening was pretty interesting, to say the least. I finally made up my mind and decided to go with the Mansur Gavriel bucket bag. What I didn’t know is that it’s very hard to get your hands on one of these bags. What I assumed would be a piece of cake, turned out to be a real test of patience. MG didn’t announce a particular launch time for the apparently, much anticipated restock, so I refreshed every thirty minutes at work (how naive). But when it was time to go home, still no sign of those pretty minimalistic bags. At home I sat down with my laptop and decided to keep an eye on their Instagram for the announcement of the launch. If I was able to get one, great, otherwise, too bad. Better luck next time. But as the day passed, more and more people started to get anxious and turned to the Mansur Gavriel Instagram to express their frustration. Especially when the E-shop went online somewhere between nine and ten in the evening and everything was sold out in a matter of minutes. I had my eyes set on the black/ballerina bucket bag, but every time I wanted to check out, it was no longer in stock. I gave up. Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend who doesn’t take no for an answer, and he managed to get through.

It’s strange what a simple product can do to people. Some people stayed up the entire night, others took a day off from work or called to say they would be late. Even I started to stress a little when I had to sign up for an account, which would take another couple of minutes. Of course this is nothing compared to for instance Black Friday. Another example of how materialistic we sometimes are. I know I am occasionally and I’m not proud of it (I felt like such an idiot, refreshing that website every five seconds between nine and ten, but at that point there was no turning back). I honestly can’t wait for my bag to arrive but I will never put myself through such a time consuming and frustrating process again. There’s more to life than a bag or a pair of shoes.What is the craziest thing you ever did in order to get your hands on something you really wanted?

Image: Pinterest